When it comes to choosing the right sitter for your children, teenage caregivers are certainly an option. Teens have a unique ability to entertain and communicate with kids on a level that most adults are not capable of. In the best cases, teenage babysitters create a sort of “big-brother” or “big-sister” relationship with the children they watch, which many kids prefer over simply having another adult in control of them. The youthfulness of teenage babysitters may actually be a reason to hire them, rather than a reason to be wary of them.

To ensure that your children will be properly cared for and safe in your absence, make sure that the teenager you hire:

Has references- This is very important to look into, especially if you don’t know the teen personally. The prospective sitter should be able to offer references and you should definitely do the due diligence of giving them a call and seeing what the past families have to say about her. If they offer an enthusiastic review, then that’s great. But if they are hesitant or offer any criticisms, you may want to pass on hiring her. It’s possible that even though she is a nice person, she just may not be up for the responsibility yet.

If you are dealing with a teenager who is new to babysitting and wants you to be their first client, it’s best to stick with teens you know through family, friends, or church. You are still taking a chance, but can at least have the peace of mind that you know them or their families.

Online babysitters are a great resource because they typically already have a lot of experience, references, and an established reputation and it’s a lot easier to determine if they are a good fit for your family.

Is responsible- If you don’t know the teenager very well, you may wonder how you will be able to tell they are responsible, besides asking their references. There are several things that can clue you in to the teen’s maturity level when you meet and talk to them. Things like having their own car, having another part time job, or having younger siblings of their own can all be signs that they possess some level of maturity and responsibility. If they show up on time to meet you, return your call promptly, and act professionally, then they are probably reliable.

Can handle your kids- One teenager shouldn’t be relied on to watch more than three kids. You should only rely on teen babysitters if your children are fairly well behaved and don’t require any special needs that you think will be beyond the teenager’s capabilities. If your children have experience being watched by a sitter, then the teenager will probably be able to keep things under control while you’re gone.

Enjoys the job- When you return home, you should always ask the sitter how things went. If she seems exhausted, irritated, or stressed, then it might not be the best idea to continue hiring her. If she has a positive attitude about the experience, then it’s a good sign that things go smoothly when you’re gone.

Hiring teenage babysitters is a great way to introduce your children to peer mentors and people that they will most likely look up to. It’s also a great experience for the teenager who is learning responsibility and gaining financial independence. Employing teenage babysitters can be a really positive experience for everyone involved as long as you make the effort to ensure that everyone is a good match.