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2 nights a month for one 4 year old

Posted by Sandy E. on 4/14/2024

  • 1 child (Preschool)
  • $10.00 - $15.00 per hour

My son is four but delayed verbally. He likes to play video games. I am a full time student at UCSC and live at Family Student Housing. I would prefer a ucsc student to baby sit.
I need someone to watch my son in the evenings twice a month for 4 hours. I will pay $60 per night. So $120 a month for 6 hours of work.
This is just for someone to make some extra cash that can come over every other Friday to take my son out of my hands as I don’t have help from his family or other parent. It’s just for me to have a break for a few hours a month.


  • Bedtime
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2 nights a month...


$10.00 - $15.00 per hour
1 child (Preschool)

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