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Part-time help getting 2 girls to school in the morning.

Posted by Joseph R. on 3/29/2024

  • 2 children (Preschool, Elementary)
  • $20.00 - $25.00 per hour

I am a single father with two wonderful daughters, ages 5 and 7, that I have with me 50% of the time.

I need regular help 2 to 3 mornings each week from 7-9am, to help get the girls ready for school (help brush their hair, teeth, make sure they are dressed, and their bags are packed), and then to walk them there (< 10min walk a few blocks away). I need help every Tuesday & Wednesday, and every other Monday.

I work from home, but I’m usually in meetings from 5 - 9am, which I why I need help.

The girls need to be dropped off at 8am, so you can expect to be back to the house by 8:30. From 8:30-9am I’d like help packing their lunches for the next day, occasionally doing some of their laundry, and lightly cleaning up after them.


  • Prepare Snacks/Meals
  • Light laundry
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Part-time help...

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Weekly 7:00am - 9:00am

$20.00 - $25.00 per hour
2 children (Preschool, Elementary)

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