
Christine C.

Full Time Nanny

  • Nanny
  • 11208

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Hello, my name is christine. I have been a baby nurse / nanny for over 15 years. I am very energetic and really love to get down and play. loves to be out and about, doing activities, going to classes, the park, bookstores, library and exploring new things around the neighborhood, like going to the zoo and museums. I take your child best interest to heart, creating a loving healthy environment. love singing and dancing , art and craft, especially painting. early development of your child, sleep training and feeding schedule, teaching basic shapes, colors, alphabet and numbers. my focus is the need of the child and make sure all aligned with the parents schedule and lifestyle to create an atmosphere that is comfortable and pleasing to everyone. I am communicative, taking pictures and videos of your child milestone for parents, so they would not miss out on the growth and development of your child.
