
Shannon C.

Flexible, Reliable, Caring Nanny

  • Nanny
  • 80906

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I have been around child care my whole life, my mom was a nanny and a teacher. I started working in a child care center in 2007 because I loved the sense of community. I started out in a small locally owned center that was when I decided I would go to school for education. I love helping families thrive, getting to know them and what I can do to help them in the best way. during college I participated in a work study where I worked in the college daycare. it was very strict, I learned a lot about state standards, nayce and the qualistar rating program. I earned my lead teacher certificate and started work for bright horizons, which I love their program to this day. I have learned so much about family partnerships, just listening to families and making little gestures of kindness to parents and their children while they’re in my care that can make a big difference. just being a little extra mindful. I have had experience in the past seven years with infant through school agers.
