
Kera S.

In Home Child Care

  • Babysitter
  • 08879

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A flexible, adaptable and professional child care specialist who has a good sense of humor and a lot of experience working with babies, children and young people. I have a long track record of having a positive impact on the lives of children and their families. I create a warm, safe and secure environment for children to develop and learn in, and will always be there for a child’s physical and mental needs. on a personal level I am dependable, cooperative, will follow procedures and is willing to go that extra mile.

babysitting: (total 9 years) ages 3 months -preteens
school district: (total 2 years)
assistant kindergarten teacher-12 students ages 4-5
daycare avenal nj: (total 1 year)
after school pre-k teacher- 15 students ages 3-4
ymca kids summer camp: (total 6 months)
camp counselor – 25 kids ages 3-8.
