
Juanita M.

Baby Sitter

  • Babysitter
  • 49423

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I have lots of experience in babysitting. I love what I do very much. I am very outgoing and I love to do things outdoors as much as I can. I can always find a way to have fun, rather its inside or outside. I am very dedicated to my job and take it very seriously. I am only available starting on friday nights after 9 p.m. and the rest of the weekend I am available. some of my duties from sitting are:
*watched and looked after all the children’s activities when the parents are away
*maintained a healthy and safe environment around the children
*made a positive relation with the children by designing creative games and activities for the children, so that they can learn and have fun at the same time
*prepared meals in the absence of the parents and made the children eat on time as per their daily routine
*made sure that children enjoy the company by taking them out for walks, enjoying the outdoors.
