As children get older, they become more independent and eventually do not need childcare any longer. For parents, deciding when their child is ready to stay home alone is an important decision. Childcare is expensive, but the supervision and activities can give many parents peace of mind. However, as children get older, they may not want to attend a childcare center, and allowing them to stay home can help to build their independence.

Allowing a child to stay home alone depends on a variety of factors, including age, maturity, home environment, location, and the ability to handle difficult situations. There are many things for parents to consider before taking this important step.


Your child’s age is the determining factor. Most states have specific laws that state how old a child must be before they can stay home alone. It is important to make sure your child meets that age requirement, but also to make sure they have the maturity to be able to handle staying home alone.


How many hours will your child have to stay home alone? Will it just be a short time after school? Or will you need to leave them home alone during the entire day? Will it be during the evening or nighttime hours? In the beginning, you may just want to leave your child home for short periods of time in order to see how it goes. You may also want to consider whether the length of time or part of the day your child will have to stay home will work out.


How safe is your neighborhood? Will your child be able to go outside? Do you have to worry about solicitors or strangers knocking on the door? Do you have familiar neighbors or friends your child can go to in the event of an emergency? These are all factors to consider before allowing your child to stay home alone. You want to make sure that they are still in the safest environment possible.


Does your child know how to lock the doors? Use the microwave safely? Do they know how to find flashlight in the event of a power outage, or first aid items if needed? Do they have a cell phone, or do you have a landline they can access? Check your computer and television-can they access internet sites, movies, or television shows you would not want them to watch? It is important to make sure your home is prepared for your child as well.

Your Child

Your child may be old enough to stay home alone, but are they mature enough? Can you trust them to follow your rules and make good decisions? It is important to know that you can trust them not to have friends over, or leave the house, or follow whatever rules you have established. Can your child handle an emergency situation? Do they know who to call in case of an emergency? Can they dial 911? Make sure you have a plan for fires, tornadoes, or other unexpected situations. Does your child tend to panic, or can they make calm, responsible decisions? Can your child take care of their own basic needs? It is important to make sure your child can do things like safely prepare food, keep the doors locked, or get started on their homework. These are all things to consider before allowing your child to stay home.

With careful evaluation and decision making, allowing your child to stay home alone can be a big step towards independence and peace of mind for you as a parent. Be sure to discuss your expectations with your child, as well as any concerns he or she might have, so that the experience will be successful and rewarding for both of you.